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04. Operating principles

Last updated 16 August 2022

Our ongoing transformation has been centred around the client, understanding that they have a variety of interactions with the tax, superannuation and registry systems, and with broader government services.

A critical dependency for supporting improvements to the client experience has been a parallel focus on improving the experience our staff have at work when serving the community and the culture we have as an organisation.

These aspirations are reflected in our operating model, including investment proposals, decision-making, risk-based approaches, consultations and systems-led design solutions.

In achieving our aspirations, we are guided by the following 3 principles that demonstrate our commitment to reducing unnecessary or inefficient regulation. These principles are reflected in our strategic objectives

Principle 1: Continuous improvement and building trust

We adopt a whole-of-system perspective, continuously improving our performance, capability and culture to build trust and confidence in Australia’s regulatory settings.

Principle 2: Risk-based and data-driven

We manage risks proportionately and maintain essential safeguards while minimising regulatory burden, and leveraging data and digital technology to support those we regulate to comply and grow.

Principle 3: Collaboration and engagement

We are transparent and responsive communicators, implementing regulations in a modern and collaborative way.

