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Tax gap

Access detailed information about tax gaps.

The concept of tax gaps, why and how we measure them, links to our latest Australian taxpayer segments and taxes data.

What methodology we use to estimate tax gaps and how we calculate the voluntary compliance ratio.

How we estimate and reduce the Alcohol tax gap for 2021-22.

How we estimate and reduce the fringe benefits tax (FBT) gap for 2020-21.

How we estimate and reduce the fuel excise tax gap for 2020–21.

How we estimate and reduce the fuel tax credits gap for 2021–22.

How we estimate and reduce the goods and services tax (GST) gap for 2021–22.

How we estimate and reduce the high wealth income tax gap for 2020-21

Our current analysis and methodology for the individuals not in business income tax gap for 2020–21.

How we estimate and reduce the large corporate groups income tax gap for 2020–21.

How we estimate and reduce the large super funds income tax gap for 2020-21.

How we estimate and reduce the luxury car tax (LCT) gap for 2020–21.

How we estimate and reduce the medium business income tax gap for 2020-21

How we estimate and reduce the pay as you go (PAYG) withholding gap for 2020-21.

How we estimate and reduce the petroleum resource rent (PRRT) tax gap for 2020–21.

How we estimate and manage the product stewardship for oil (PSO) gap for 2021-22.

How we estimate and reduce the small business income tax gap for 2020–21.
