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Data cut-off dates, rounding and abbreviations

Last updated 23 September 2020

Data cut-off dates

The data in these tables includes data processed up to 31 October of the following year. For example, data for the 2011–12 income year includes data processed up to 31 October 2013. The statistics are sourced from annual tax returns, associated schedules (such as the capital gains tax schedule) and activity statements that were processed up to 31 October 2013. Blank copies of these forms are available to review.

Statistics in the detailed tables have been updated for the 2009–10 to 2011–12 income years, and 2010–11 to 2012–13 financial years, to include returns processed up to 31 October 2013. These statistics are not necessarily complete and will continue to change as more tax returns and schedules are lodged and processed. Data for the 2008–09 and earlier income years, and 2009–10 and earlier financial years, has not been updated in this edition.

Number rounding for privacy

In order to comply with privacy legislation and regulations:

  • number indicators in all tables have been rounded to the nearest multiple of five, therefore totals may differ from the sum of their components
  • some cells in some tables have been aggregated, however this does not affect the total number of records or the total amounts.


Abbreviations used within the tables:




dollars are shown in millions


dollars are shown in billions


megalitre, or one million litres


not applicable or not available


rounded to zero but not zero
