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Taxation statistics 2014–15

Taxation statistics 2014–15 provides a comprehensive statistical picture of the Australian tax system. It covers most labels from return forms and schedules. The statistics can be applied in research and analysis.

Last updated 23 September 2020

Taxation statistics 2014–15 presents an overview of the different taxes we administer. These statistics look at the tax returns and related schedules for the 2014–15 income year for individuals, companies, superannuation (super) funds, partnerships and trusts. We also include other information provided to us, such as goods and services tax (GST) and activity statements, relating to the 2015–16 financial year.

Each year we endeavour to improve Taxation statistics. Improvements this year include:

  • new multi-year data in nine of our most popular detailed tables, showing five years of directly comparable taxation statistics data
  • averages and medians in many of our summary and multi-year tables for individuals, companies, super funds, partnerships and trusts
  • a new detailed table for individuals, showing selected deduction items by state/territory and by the amount of deduction claimed.

Taxation statistics is an annual publication and our statistics for 2014–15 were released in April 2017. We welcome your feedback on the way we present this information and what we include. You can email us at

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