In detail
Detailed tax information for large businesses.
Detailed compliance and governance information for large businesses.
Key information products and resources for large businesses.
Detailed information about tax transparency for large businesses.
In a combined assurance review, we need to gather the evidence to assure that you are paying the right amount of tax.
If we've contacted you about a GST streamlined assurance review, this is what you need to provide so we can help ensure you're meeting your GST obligations.
What we look for to obtain assurance in a Top 1000 streamlined assurance review.
Guide for large public and multinational companies covered by the Top 1,000 programs to prepare for engagement with us.
Key findings and insights for disputes and settlements with public and multinational businesses for 2023–24.
Findings from the Top 1,000 income tax performance, combined assurance review and GST assurance review programs.
Key findings from the Top 100 income tax and GST assurance programs for the income year ended 30 June 2024.