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Excise equivalent goods (imports)

Understand your tax obligations if you import alcohol, tobacco, fuel or petroleum products.

Excise equivalent goods (EEGs) and how they are taxed.

Work out if you need a licence from us to use or store goods in a customs warehouse and how to do it.

Lists your obligations for excise equivalent goods (EEGs) as a warehouse licence holder.

Understand what permission you need before moving underbond excise equivalent goods (EEGs) and other customable goods.

Paying customs duties, completing declarations and applying to us for permissions for excise equivalent goods (EEGs).

How to claim a refund, drawback, or remission (waiver) of customs duty on excise equivalent goods (EEGs).

How to keep accurate and complete records for excise equivalent goods (EEGs).

Work out if you contact the Department of Home Affairs or our dedicated channels about your EEGs.
