Part B does not need to be completed for IRP transaction/RAS shown at Part A if the IRP transaction/RAS is covered by a category on the exclusions list. Further specific guidance on providing IRP agreements as part of Part B of the local file is also available in Appendix 8.
The following instructions apply if the IRP transaction/RAS shown at Part A is not covered by a category on the exclusions list.
- Transaction Identifier
Show the transaction identifier used in Part A for the IRP transaction/RAS.
- Which transfer pricing / capital asset pricing methodology has the IRP relied upon for this transaction/RAS?
Show the code for the transfer pricing methodology / capital asset pricing methodology the IRP has relied upon for this IRP transaction/RAS.
- Is the reporting entity not able to obtain information from the IRP for the transfer pricing methodology the IRP relied upon for this transaction/RAS?
This question applies if the reporting entity indicates at Question 2 that the methodology is unknown.
If the reporting entity is not able to obtain information from the IRP of the relevant methodology the IRP relied upon for this transaction/RAS, indicate True.
Otherwise indicate False.
- Is there written agreement documentation covering this transaction/RAS (as reported in Part A)?
If there is written agreement documentation covering this transaction/RAS (as reported in Part A), indicate True.
If there is no written agreement documentation evidencing the terms of the agreement covering this transaction/RAS (as reported in Part A), indicate False.
In the case of a foreign currency deferred payment arrangement transaction, Question 4 is asking whether there is a separate written agreement for the financing arrangement which results from deferral of payment of an amount of foreign currency owing under another underlying IRP transaction. Question 4 is not asking whether there is a written agreement for the underlying non-financing IRP transaction itself.
For example, if there is a FCDPTTS transaction because there was a deferred foreign currency payment arrangement for the sale price due and owing under an IRP commodity sale transaction, Question 4 is not asking if there is a written agreement for the IRP commodity sale transaction. It is instead asking if there is a separate written agreement for the financing arrangement which results from not satisfying the payment obligation.
- Is the reporting entity unable to obtain from any of the related counterparties, the written agreement documentation covering the transaction/RAS (as reported at Part A)?
This question applies if you have answered True to Question 4
If the reporting entity is unable to obtain from any of the related counterparties, the written agreement documentation evidencing the terms of the agreement covering the IRP transaction/RAS (as reported at Part A), indicate True.
Otherwise indicate False.
- Other Transaction IDs covered by the agreement
Provide all the other transaction identifiers that are covered by the agreement. This must not include the transaction identifier provided at Question 1.
- Has the written agreement documentation been previously provided to the ATO?
This question applies if you have answered True to Question 4 and false to Question 5.
Indicate True if the written agreement documentation for this IRP transaction/RAS has been previously provided to the ATO.
Otherwise indicate False.
- Title of the agreement previously provided to the ATO
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 7.
Show either:
- the title of the agreement previously provided to the ATO
- attachment filename(s) separated by a comma (,) where that agreement has been attached in Part B as part of a local file lodgment for a previous reporting period.
- What is the year in which the agreement was previously provided to the ATO?
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 7
Show the year in which the written agreement documentation for this IRP transaction/RAS was provided to the ATO
- Please confirm that you have attached the agreements for this transaction/RAS
This question applies only if you answer False to Question 7.
If the written agreement documentation for this IRP transaction/RAS has been attached, indicate True.
If you have indicated False at Question 4 because there is no written agreement documentation for this IRP transaction/RAS, if you want to you can attach other records or documents for this IRP transaction/RAS. For more about this refer to paragraphs 15 and 16 of Appendix 8.
- Filename(s) of IRP Agreement(s)
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 10.
Provide the filename(s) including the filename extension of the attachments. For example, 'IRP Agreement.pdf'.
- Since providing the written agreement to the ATO, has the agreement been amended?
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 7.
If the agreement has been amended since the written agreement documentation was previously provided to the ATO, indicate True.
Otherwise indicate False.
- Have the amended agreements or agreements incorporating the amendments been provided to the ATO?
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 12.
Indicate True if the amendment agreements or the amended agreement incorporating all the amendments have been provided to the ATO.
Otherwise indicate False.
- What is the title of the amendment agreements or agreement incorporating the amendments previously provided to the ATO?
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 13.
Show either:
- the title of the amendment agreements or agreement incorporating all the amendments previously provided to the ATO, or
- attachment filename(s) separated by a comma (,) where the amendment agreements or agreement incorporating all the amendments has been attached in Part B as part of a Local File lodgment for a previous reporting period.
- What is the year in which the amendment agreements or agreements incorporating the amendments was previously provided to the ATO?
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 13.
Show the year in which the amendment agreements or the amended agreement incorporating all the amendments documentation for this IRP transaction/RAS was provided to the ATO.
- Please confirm that you have attached the amendments for previously provided agreements for this transaction/RAS
This question applies only if you answer False to Question 13.
Confirm that you have attached the amendment agreements or the amended agreement incorporating all the amendments for previously provided agreements for this transaction/RAS, by indicating True.
- Filename(s) of the amended agreement(s)
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 16.
Provide the filename(s) including the filename extension of the attachments. For example, 'IRP Amended Agreement.pdf'.
- Are there APAs or rulings provided by other jurisdictions for this transaction/RAS?
If there are any APAs or rulings provided by an overseas jurisdiction for this IRP transaction/RAS, indicate True.
Otherwise indicate False.
- Which other Transaction IDs does that APA / ruling cover?
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 18.
Provide all the other transaction identifiers that are covered by the APA or ruling. This must not include the transaction identifier provided at Question 1.
- Has the reporting entity previously provided these APAs/rulings to the ATO?
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 18.
If the reporting entity has previously provided these APAs/rulings to the ATO, indicate True.
Otherwise indicate False.
- What is the year in which the reporting entity previously provided these APAs/rulings?
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 20.
Show the year in which the APAs or rulings for this IRP transaction/RAS were previously provided to the ATO.
- Please confirm that you have attached the relevant APAs/rulings for this transaction/RAS
This question applies only if you answer False to Question 20.
Confirm that you have attached the relevant APAs/rulings for this IRP transaction/RAS, by indicating True.
- Filename(s) of the APAs / Rulings
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 22.
Provide the filename(s) including the filename extension of the attachments. For example, 'Transaction 1 APA.pdf'.
- The reporting entity’s financial accounts for the reporting period
You need to attach the highest quality financial accounts the reporting entity has for the reporting entity’s assets and operations for the income year.
If you have attached the reporting entity’s highest quality financial accounts for the reporting entity’s assets and operations for the income year, indicate True.
You do not need to attach the highest quality financial accounts of the reporting entity where they have already been provided to us or published by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. This may be the case in circumstances where:
- a general purpose financial statement for the reporting period has already been given to either the Commissioner pursuant to section 3CA of the Taxation Administration Act 1953, or to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission pursuant to subsection 319(3) of the Corporations Act 2001, and
- that statement has been prepared by the ultimate Australian parent consolidating the entity or entities covered by this local file.
Where you do not attach the reporting entity's highest quality financial accounts, indicate False.
- Filename(s) for the financial statements
This question applies only if you answer True to Question 24.
Provide the filename(s) including the filename extension of the attachments. For example, 'Reporting Entity Financial Accounts.pdf'.