The ATO's small business online learning platform provides flexible and free courses to build knowledge for all stages of operating a business or organisation. NFPs share many tax obligations with small businesses, and the online learning is a valuable resource to help you avoid common mistakes and understand the tax and super obligations of your NFP better.
Essentials for your small businessExternal Link can enhance your knowledge of tax and super with a learning path tailored to support your NFP, at a time that is convenient for you. Key features of the learning platform include:
- instructional videos and infographics
- tailored options to access courses that are important to you
- key information you can export to your personal device
- bookmark options for courses or specific content that you can share.
You can also save your progress and jump back into a course when you're ready again.
Some content that NFPs might find useful includes:
- Record keepingExternal Link
- Goods and services tax (GST)External Link
- Hiring workersExternal Link
- Records reconstructionExternal Link
- Recording business income and expensesExternal Link
With over 20 short courses on offer, Essentials to strengthen your small business is likely to have a course that suits your NFP's needs.