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To qualify for exemption

Requirements your sporting organisation must meet to self assess your exemption from income tax.

Last updated 19 September 2022

Your sporting organisation will be exempt from income tax, and can self-assess its exemption, if it is not a charity and meets all of the following requirements:

  • it is a not-for-profit society, association or club
  • it is established for the purpose of encouragement of either  
    • a game or sport
    • animal racing
  • it meets one of the 3 following tests  
    • physical presence in Australia test
    • deductible gift recipient (DGR) test
    • prescribed by law test
  • it applies its income and assets solely for the purpose for which it is established.

It also must comply with all the substantive requirements in its governing rules. This means that your organisation must operate only in a manner consistent with its rules of core importance to its operation, including those related to its object and purpose and those relating to its not-for-profit (NFP) status.

For more information to help you determine what type of NFP your organisation is and if you're exempt from income tax, see:
