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Reports and returns

How to report your business income and claim deductions plus other yearly reports or returns you may need to lodge.

What you need to report and how you lodge a tax return for your business depends on your type of business entity.

Explains when your business needs to lodge a pay as you go (PAYG) withholding annual report.

If you have an FBT liability you must lodge an FBT return.

Some businesses are eligible to lodge an annual GST return. Find out about how and when to lodge.

When your business or government entity needs to report contractor payments and lodge a TPAR.

How to complete, lodge and pay your business activity statement (BAS) or GST/PAYG instalment notice.

If you can't lodge or pay by the due date, contact us as soon as possible.

Learn about transactions entities report that may have tax or super impacts for others ('third-party' information).
