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Section C: Donations received

Last updated 12 February 2019

This section allows you to insert the donations received by the fund.

10 Donations received

Provide details about all donations received by the fund within the financial year.

A Total of money received

Insert the total of money received.

B Total of the value of shares in a publicly listed entity received

Insert the total of the value of shares in a publicly listed entity received.

C Total of the value of shares in an unlisted entity received

Insert the total of the value of shares in an unlisted entity received.

D Total of the value of collectibles received

Insert the total of the value of collectibles received.

E Total of the value of land and buildings received

Insert the total of the value of land and buildings received.

F Total of the value of other property received

Insert the total of the value of other property received.

G Total of the value of donations received (total of labels A to F)

Insert the total of the value of donations received – that is, the total of labels A to F.
