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Section A: Fund information

Last updated 8 July 2021

This section deals with identification of the fund.

1. Name of fund

Insert the name of the ancillary fund as it appears in the fund’s trust deed – for example, John Brown Foundation (not 'the trustee of the John Brown Foundation').

2. Australian business number (ABN) of fund

Insert the ABN of the fund.

Make sure you use the ABN of the fund, not the ABN of the trustee of the trust.

Information is collected for the purposes of the A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999 and may be used to update your details on the Australian business register (ABR).

3. Address for notices

Insert the current postal address of the fund.

4. Email address

Insert the email address of the trustee.

Note: Trustee details below apply to Q5 and Q6.

Trustee details

Details of the trustee to whom notices should be sent

Each trustee of an ancillary fund should be a constitutional corporation. However, there are certain exceptions that allow individuals to be trustees of ancillary funds established prior to 1 October 2009 for private ancillary funds, and 1 January 2012 for public ancillary funds.

A constitutional corporation is either:

  • a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Australian Constitution applies
  • a body corporate that is incorporated in a territory.

A constitutional corporation would usually be registered with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and have an Australian company number.

Less frequently, it may be incorporated under a territory's associations' incorporation legislation and have an association or incorporation number.

You must provide the details of the trustee to whom notices should be sent at either:

  • item 5 If the trustee is a constitutional corporation
  • item 6 If the trustee is an individual.

5. If the trustee is a constitutional corporation, insert details here

Insert the name of the constitutional corporation.

Insert the Australian company number, association number or incorporation number of the constitutional corporation.

Insert the tax file number (TFN) of the constitutional corporation.

Insert the phone number (including area code) of the constitutional corporation.

6. If the trustee is an individual, insert details here

Insert the title, surname or family name, and given names of the individual.

Insert the TFN of the individual.

We are authorised by the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to collect your TFN.

Insert the phone number (including area code) of the individual.
