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Non-assessable non-exempt income (NANE income)

Last updated 29 May 2019

Determined trust components

Enter the total amount of your determined trust components (incorporating any applicable unders or overs and rounding or other adjustments under Subdivision 276-F) of all your characters relating to NANE income (as defined in section 6-23 of the ITAA 1997).

NANE income is worked out for the purposes of trust components from the perspective of the trustee, and under the assumptions in section 276-265 of the ITAA 1997 that the trustee was liable to pay tax and was an Australian resident.

Tax offsets

Trust components

Enter the total amount of your trust components (worked out under section 276-260) of all characters relating to tax offsets.

Total unders

Enter the total amount of unders (worked out under section 276-345) discovered in the income year for all characters relating to tax offsets.

Total overs

Enter the total amount of overs (worked out under section 276-345) discovered in the income year for your characters relating to tax offsets.

Determined trust components

Enter the total of your determined trust components (worked out under section 276-255) of all of your characters relating to tax offsets, including any adjustments under Subdivision 276-F.

Trust component deficits

Enter the total amount of trust component deficits (worked out under section 276-320) for all of your characters relating to tax offsets.

Key financial information

Enter values for the relevant items for this class.

Total assets

Enter all the assets for this class, including fixed, tangible and intangible assets, and all current assets.

Total liabilities

Enter all of the liabilities for this class, including other creditors and deferred liabilities such as loans secured by mortgage and long-term loans.

Debt deductions

Enter the total debt deductions for this class, calculated in accordance with section 820-40 of the ITAA 1997. Broadly, this is the costs incurred in relation to a debt interest that, apart from the thin capitalisation rules, are otherwise deductible in Australia. The most common type of debt deduction is interest paid on a business loan.
