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Australian Gas Light Company (AGL) merger with Alinta Ltd - October 2006

Worksheet for investors who owned shares in AGL at the time of the merger between AGL and Alinta Ltd in October 2006.

Last updated 5 October 2009

Copies of this publication

This publication can be downloaded in Portable Document Format (PDF). Download Australian Gas Light Company (AGL) merger with Alinta Ltd - October 2006 here [165 kB].

This document is separated into two parts:

Part 1: Introduction

This part describes the merger of The Australian Gas Light Company (AGL) and Alinta Ltd (Alinta) into the two newly created listed entities Alinta Ltd (New Alinta) and AGL Energy Ltd (AGL Energy).

The company we refer to as New Alinta in this document was originally called Alinta MergeCo Ltd, but then changed its name to Alinta Ltd after the merger.

Part 2: Worksheet and instructions

This part contains a worksheet that will help you construct the CGT records for your New Alinta and AGL Energy shares. You should follow the instructions (separated into 3 sections) to fill out the worksheet provided.

Guidance notes on the merger between AGL and Alinta Ltd.

Describes the merger of The Australian Gas Light Company and Alinta Ltd into two newly created listed entities.

A worksheet to help construct the CGT records for New Alinta and AGL Energy shares.
