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P10 STS depreciating assets

Instructions to complete P10 Small business entity simplified depreciation.

Last updated 29 March 2020

Item P10 is for STS taxpayers only. Complete this item only if you have chosen to enter or continue in the STS at item S1.

Completing this question

To complete this question use the amounts you calculated for STS depreciation deductions in your Depreciation deductions for STS worksheet.

At A Deduction for low-cost assets item P10 on page 4 of your schedule, write the amount at (a) in the worksheet.

At B Deduction for general pool assets, write the total of the amounts at (b) and (d) in the worksheet.

At C Deduction for long-life pool assets, write the total of the amounts at (c) and (e) in the worksheet.

Stop: Make sure you do not put the pool balance at A, B or C.

Other business and professional items

For items P11 to P19 you need to fill in all items relating to your business expenses.

If you have more than one business, you must add the figures for all businesses, irrespective of whether they are primary or non-primary production and write only one figure at each item.

STS taxpayers

If you have chosen to enter or continue in the STS at item S1, you only need to fill in P13, P14 and P19.
