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Test 1: Were you carrying on a business during the year?

Last updated 25 May 2009

If you carried on a business at any time during the year, you satisfy this test. Go to Test 2.

Test 2: Is your STS average turnover less than $1 million?

You work out your STS average turnover for an income year either by looking back to actual turnover in previous years or by looking forward to estimated future turnover.

Before you can work out your STS average turnover you need to know your STS group turnover.

Your STS group turnover is the value of business supplies you make in the ordinary course of your business and the value of business supplies any businesses you are grouped with make in the ordinary course of their business. It does not include any business supplies made between you and businesses you are grouped with.

For more information, phone the Business Infoline or see Taxation Ruling TR 2002/11 - Income tax: Simplified Tax System eligibility - STS average turnover.

Look back method

Under the look back method, you calculate your STS average turnover using the average of your STS group turnovers of any three years out of the previous four income years (excluding the current year).

If you have been in business for fewer than three years, you will need to calculate your STS average turnover for the number of years you have been in business (excluding the current year).

If your business has operated for only part of any of those years, you must use a reasonable estimate of what your turnover would have been if you were in business for the full year.

Use worksheet 1 to assist you with your calculation.

Worksheet 1

Income year

STS group turnover









Cross out the largest turnover amount if you have been in business for each of the four income years.

Total of the three years (see Note)


Divide by 3 (see Note)
STS average turnover


Note: or the number of years you have been in business if less than three years

If your STS average turnover is less than $1 million you satisfy this test. Go to Test 3. Otherwise read on.

Look forward method

Under the look forward method you calculate your STS average turnover using a reasonable estimate of STS group turnovers for the current year and the following two years (ignoring any of those years for which you do not expect to be carrying on a business at any time in that year).

Alternatively, you can use your actual STS group turnover for the current year and a reasonable estimate of your STS group turnover for each of the following two income years (ignoring any of those years for which you do not expect to be carrying on a business at any time in that year).

If your business (or a grouped entity) has operated for only part of the current year, you must use a reasonable estimate of what your STS group turnover for this year would have been if you (or the grouped entity) had carried on a business throughout this year.

Use worksheet 2 to assist you with your calculation.

Worksheet 2

Income year

STS group turnover







Total of the three years (see Note)


(Divide by 3 – see Note)
STS average turnover


Note: or the number of years you expect to be in business if less than three years (see above)

If your STS average turnover is less than $1 million you satisfy this test. Go to Test 3.

Test 3: Did you and any businesses you were grouped with have depreciating assets with a total adjustable value of less than $3 million at 30 June 2007?

This test only includes depreciating assets for which a deduction has been allowed or is allowable under the STS or uniform capital allowances (UCA) rules.

Broadly, the adjustable value of a depreciating asset is its cost less its decline in value since it was first used, or installed ready for use for any purpose whether business or private. It is the value at the end of the income year that is relevant.

If the total adjustable value of your depreciating assets and those of entities you are grouped with for the 2006-07 income year was less than $3 million at this time, you satisfy this test.
