This chapter explains how distributions from trusts (including managed funds) can affect your CGT position. Distributions from trusts can include different amounts but the following 2 types of amounts are relevant for CGT purposes:
- capital gains
- non-assessable payments.
Non-assessable payments mostly affect the cost base of units in a unit trust (including managed funds) but can in some cases create a capital gain. Non-assessable payments do not affect beneficiaries of a discretionary trust.
Managed funds include property trusts, share trusts, equity trusts, growth trusts, imputation trusts and balanced trusts.
Note-New terms: There may be terms in this chapter that are not familiar to you. Refer to chapter 1 in part A for more information or to Explanation of terms.
Trustees, including fund managers, may use different terms to describe the methods of calculation and other terms used in this guide. For example, they may use the term 'non-discount gains' when they refer to capital gains worked out using the indexation and 'other' methods.