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Part A – About capital gains tax

Explains capital gains tax obligations including if it applies, how to work it out and what records you need to keep.

Last updated 18 February 2018

In this section:

Do you need to read this part of the guide?

To find out, answer the following questions. If you answer No to all questions, you don’t need to read part A. Go to part B.

Have you applied an exemption or rollover?

If yes then see Exemptions and rollovers.

Have you applied the transitional CGT relief?

If yes then see Transitional CGT relief.

Do you need information about the three methods of calculating a capital gain?

If yes then see How to work out your capital gain or capital loss.

Have you received a distribution of a capital gain from a managed fund or other unit trust in 2016–17?

If yes then see Trust distributions.

Have you sold shares or units in a unit trust in 2016–17?

If yes then see Investments in shares and units.

Did you sell real estate or your home (main residence) in 2016–17?

If yes then see Real estate and main residence.

Do you need help completing the capital gains item on your individual tax return?

If yes then see the relevant sections in part A, then work through part B.

Do you need help completing the capital gains item on your entity’s tax return?

If yes then see the relevant sections in part A, then work through part C.
