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Step 7 Work out your total current year capital gains

Last updated 5 October 2009

Write the total of the capital gains for all your assets (including assets other than shares and units) for the current year at H item 17 (or H item 9 if you use the tax return for retirees).

If you had a distribution of capital gains from a managed fund, include this in your total capital gains. See step 3 in chapter C1.

If you have any capital losses, do not deduct them from the capital gains before showing the total amount at H.

Start of example

Example 7: Total current year capital gains

Fred does not have any other capital gains. Therefore, from step 3, he shows $875 at H item 17 on his tax return (supplementary section), or at H item 9 if he uses the tax return for retirees.

End of example
