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22. Internet trading

Last updated 23 February 2021

Print X in the Yes box at Q Did you sell any goods or services using the internet? item 22 if, in deriving income, the company used the internet to:

  • receive orders for goods or services, for example, the company received orders by email or a web page form, rather than by conventional post, telephone or facsimile
  • receive payment for goods or services, for example, the company received digital cash as            
    • credit card or charge card details by email or web page form, rather than by conventional post, telephone or facsimile
  • deliver goods or services, for example, the company            
    • used email, the internet or file transfer protocol to deliver digitised music, news articles or software, rather than conventional post to deliver software on a disk
    • used email, in conjunction with a website, to give advice and received a payment in connection with this advice
    • advertised goods or services of other businesses for a fee on the internet
    • hosted websites
    • provided access to the internet.

Print X in the No box at Q if the company used the internet only to:

  • advertise the company’s goods or services
  • give support to the company’s customers
  • buy the company’s stock
  • do the company’s banking online.
