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12. National rental affordability scheme

Instructions to complete your entitlement to a national rental affordability scheme (NRAS) tax offset.

Last updated 18 December 2023

J – National rental affordability scheme tax offset entitlement

Write at J the company’s entitlement to a tax offset under the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS). Show cents.

The NRAS is designed to encourage large-scale investment in affordable housing. The NRAS offers incentives to providers of new dwellings on the condition that they are rented to low and moderate income households at 20% below market rates.

The refundable tax offset is only available when the secretary of the Department of Social Services has issued a certificate under the NRAS. In order to claim the tax offset in 2021–22, the NRAS certificate must relate to the NRAS year 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022.

For more information, see National rental affordability scheme – refundable tax offset and other taxation issues.

The NRAS tax offset is intended to be subject to the refundable tax offset rules and can be claimed at E Refundable tax offsets in the Calculation statement.

Continue to: 13. Losses information
