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Items 1 to 5

Instructions for how to complete the labels for items 1 to 5 of the company tax return.

Last updated 19 December 2023

1. Ultimate holding company name and ABN or country code
Instructions to help you complete the ultimate and immediate holding company name and ABN or country code.

2. Description of main business activity
Instructions to help you complete your main business industry code and percentage of foreign shareholders.

3. Status of company
Instructions to help you complete the labels to provide information about the status of your company.

4. Interposed entity election status
Instructions to help you complete your interposed entity election status.

5. Country by country reporting entities – GPFS obligation
Instructions to help you complete if you are a country by country reporting entity.

Instructions to help you complete the ultimate and immediate holding company name and ABN or country code.

Instructions to help you complete your main business industry code and percentage of foreign shareholders.

Instructions to help you complete the labels to provide information about the status of your company.

Instructions to help you complete your interposed entity election status.

Instructions to help you complete if you are a country by country reporting entity.
