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Water facilities

Last updated 31 May 2005

A water facility is plant or a structural improvement that is primarily and principally for the purpose of conserving or conveying water. The expenditure must be incurred primarily and principally for conserving or conveying water for use in a primary production business on land in Australia. You may claim the deduction even if you are only a lessee of the land.

You can claim a deduction for the decline in value of a water facility in equal instalments over three income years.

Examples of a water facility are dams, earth tanks, underground tanks, concrete or metal tanks, tank stands, bores, wells, irrigation channels, pipes, pumps, water towers, windmills and extensions or improvements to any of these items.

Your deduction is reduced where the water facility is not wholly used for either:

  • carrying on a primary production business on land in Australia, or
  • a taxable purpose.

If the expenditure incurred arises from a non-arm's length dealing and is more than the market value of what it was for, the amount of the expenditure is taken to be that market value.

If you are a primary producer and an STS taxpayer, you can choose to work out your deductions for water facilities under either the STS capital allowance rules or the UCA rules. For more information about STS taxpayers, see STS taxpayers.

For capital expenditure you incurred on water facilities in the 2000–01 income year, you could choose a tax offset rather than a deduction see Landcare and water facility tax offset.

A recoupment of expenditure on water facilities may be included in your assessable income. As the expenditure is deductible over more than one income year, special rules apply to determine the amount of any recoupment to be included in assessable income in the year of recoupment and in later income years.
