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Net tainted currency exchange gains

Last updated 4 December 2006

A net tainted currency gain is the sum of the tainted currency exchange gains less the sum of the tainted currency exchange losses. If this is positive there is a net gain. If not, the amount is ignored.

What is tainted currency exchange gain or loss?

A gain or loss from a currency exchange fluctuation will be tainted unless it falls within one of the following categories:

  • the underlying transaction was for the purchase of goods from an unassociated person
  • the underlying transaction was for the purchase or sale of depreciable plant or equipment that was used mainly to produce income that is not passive, tainted sales or tainted services
  • the underlying transaction was a hedge for one of the preceding transactions
  • the CFC was carrying on business as a currency trader and no other party to the transaction was an associate or an Australian resident.
