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About these instructions

Last updated 25 May 2022

How these instructions can help you complete the Franking account tax return 2022.

Franking account tax return

The Franking account tax return 2022 applies to the 2021–22 income year. An early or late balancing corporate tax entity will need to specify the reporting period or approved substitute period on the form.

Companies, corporate limited partnerships and public trading trusts may need to lodge a franking account tax return. Find out more about, Who must lodge a Franking account tax return?

Get the publication

The Franking account tax return instructions 2022 are not available in print.

You can create and save a PDF copy (176 KB) from this webpage – select the PDF icon in the right-hand corner of this page then select Save as pdf.

For help regarding debits and credits to your franking account you may also refer to the Company tax return instructions 2022.

Get the form

To get the Franking account tax return form there are 2 ways:

  1. Download Franking account tax return 2022 (NAT 1382, PDF 297KB)This link will download a file.
  2. Order a copy through the ATO Publication Ordering serviceExternal Link – search by typing in either the NAT number '1382' or publication name 'Franking account tax return'.

Continue to: Who must lodge a Franking account tax return?
