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F3 Credit: ABN/TFN not quoted (non-individual)

Last updated 28 July 2020

Show at F3:

  • the total tax withheld from payments subject to withholding where the fund's ABN or TFN was not quoted (This amount equals the sum for the amounts shown in the tax withheld boxes on the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2009 - see Schedules.) and
  • any amounts withheld from investments where the fund's TFN has not been quoted to the financial institution.

If a credit is reported at F3 for tax withheld where an ABN or TFN was not quoted, the corresponding gross payment must be declared at L Gross payments where ABN not quoted item 10.

Do not include at F3 any contributions that have been received by the fund where no TFN has been quoted; these are reported at R3 No-TFN quoted contributions item 10.
