Dividends paid by New Zealand resident companies that have chosen to join the Australian imputation system may also carry franking credits.
Did the fund receive assessable franked distributions from a New Zealand franking company directly, or indirectly through a partnership or trust?
No |
Go to F Transfers from foreign funds. |
Yes |
Show at E the amount of Australian franking credits attached to the distributions that are included in assessable income adjusted as follows. |
To work out whether the distribution is assessable, see the Foreign income return form guide.
You must reduce the Australian franking credits that the fund received directly or indirectly from a New Zealand company by:
- the amount of a supplementary dividend
- the fund's share of a supplementary dividend
- the supplementary dividend is paid in connection with the franked dividend
- the fund is entitled to a foreign income tax offset because the franked dividend is included in the fund's assessable income.
Show the amount of Australian franking credits included in assessable income at
- C2 Rebates and tax offsets item 12, if the fund is a non-complying superannuation fund
- E1 Complying fund's franking credits tax offset item 12, if the fund is a complying superannuation fund or PST.
A dividend from a New Zealand franking company may also carry New Zealand imputation credits. An Australian resident cannot claim New Zealand imputation credits.