Show at C2 the total of rebates and tax offsets available.
Do not include the amounts giving rise to the tax rebate and tax offset.
If the fund is a complying superannuation fund, complying ADF or PST, do not include franking credits that relate to either dividends (including non-share dividends) received or assessable dividends from a New Zealand franking company. Include these at E1 Complying fund's franking credits tax offset.
If the fund is a non-complying superannuation fund or a non-complying ADF, the tax offset of franking credits that relate to franked dividends received (including franked non-share dividends and assessable franked dividends from a New Zealand franking company) is not refundable. Show the amount of the franking credits at C2. Make sure you have included the amount of franking credits in the assessable income shown at I Gross distribution from partnerships, L Dividend franking credit, P Trust distributions franking credit, E Australian franking credits from a New Zealand company and U Net non-arm's length income.
If the fund is claiming a no-TFN tax offset for tax paid on no-TFN-quoted contributions in one of the most recent three income years ending before 2014-15, do not claim the tax offset here. Claim the tax offset at E2 No-TFN tax offset.