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Completing the worksheets

Use worksheets 1 to 5 to help you complete worksheet 6. You must complete at least 1, 2 and 6.

Last updated 24 May 2023

Before you start

Read the definition of joint income group. Work out how many joint income groups you have. If you have more than 3, you will need to duplicate the (e) and (f) columns on worksheets 1 and 2 for each extra joint income group.

Worksheet 1: Working out your sole and joint income

Worksheet 1 helps you to complete:

  • question A3 – label F by separating joint income from solely earned income
  • question A3 – label G by separating employment or business income from non-employment or business income.

Step 1 Complete column (b) in worksheet 1 by transferring the appropriate amount from your tax return 2023 for the questions listed in column (a).

Step 2 For each amount in column (b), write the amounts in columns (c), (d), (e) or (f).

Apportion each amount in column (b) into columns (c), (d), (e) and (f) depending on the source of that income. If the income came from:

  • a trust, show it in column (c)
  • you individually, show it in column (c) or (d) as appropriate
  • a partnership, show it in worksheet 3
  • a joint income group, show it in column (e) or (f) as appropriate
  • if you have more than one joint income group, duplicate columns (e) and (f) on a separate sheet of paper.

From (b) work out how much of your income is solely earned and jointly earned across these columns.

Worksheet 1: Working out your sole and joint income

Income shown at the following:

Gross amount of income on your tax return

Solely earned income that is not from employment or business

Solely earned income from employment or business

Income group 1
Jointly earned income that is not from employment or business

Income group 1
Jointly earned income from business

1. Interest (from question 10 – label L)





Does not apply

2. Dividends (from question 11 – labels S, T and U)





Does not apply

3. Share of net income from trusts (from question 13 – labels L, U and C)



Does not apply


Does not apply

4. Farm management repayments (from question 17 – labels N and R)




Does not apply

Does not apply

5. Foreign entities (from question 19 – labels K and B)





Does not apply

6. Gross foreign source income (from question 20 – labels E and F)





Does not apply

7. Gross rent (from question 21 – label P)



Does not apply


Does not apply

8. Bonuses from life insurance companies and friendly societies (from question 22 – label W)



Does not apply


Does not apply

9. Forestry managed investment scheme income (from question 23 – label A)






10. Other income (from question 24 – labels Y, X and V







Total gross income (Add up each column.)








worksheet 6

(b) and (c)
worksheet 6

worksheet 2

worksheet 2

Worksheet 2: Working out your sole and joint deductions

Worksheet 2 helps you to complete question A3 – labels F, G and H by separating out deductions from joint income and identifying business deductions.

Step 1 Complete column (b) in worksheet 2 by transferring the appropriate amount from your tax return 2023 for the items listed in column (a).

Step 2 For each amount in column (b), write the amounts in columns (c), (d), (e) or (f).

Apportion each amount in column (b) into columns (c), (d), (e) and (f) depending on the source of the income to which the deduction applies. If the deduction relates to income that came from:

  • a trust, show the amount in column (c)
  • you individually, show the amount in column (c) or (d) as appropriate
  • a partnership, show the amount in worksheet 4
  • a joint income group, show the amount in column (e) or (f) as appropriate
  • if you have more than one joint income group duplicate columns (e) and (f) on a separate sheet of paper.

From (b) work out how much of that deduction relates to solely earned and jointly earned income across these columns.

Worksheet 2: Working out your sole and joint income

Deductions shown at the following:

Deductions shown on your tax return

Deductions from solely earned non-business income

Deductions from solely earned business income

Income group 1
Deductions from jointly earned non-business income

Income group 1
Deductions from jointly earned business income

1. Low value pool deduction (from question D6 – label K)





Does not apply

2. Interest deductions, such as bank fees (from question D7 – label I)





Does not apply

3. Dividend deductions (from question D8 – label H)



Does not apply


Does not apply

4. Cost of managing tax affairs (from question D10 – labels N, L and M)






5. Other deductions relating to distribution (amount from question 13 – labels X and Y that relates to share of net income from trusts only)



Does not apply


Does not apply

6. Farm management deductible deposits (from question 17 – label D)





Does not apply

7. Foreign source income deductions (you included when calculating the amount shown at question 20 – labels T, L, D, R, and M)





Does not apply

8. Rent
(from question 21 labels Q, F and U)



Does not apply


Does not apply

9. Forestry managed investment scheme deductions (from question D14 – label F)






10. Other deductions (from question D15 – label J)






11. Personal services income deductions (from question P1 – labels K and L)




Does not apply

Does not apply

Total deductions: add up each column except (c)



(g) $

(h) $

(i) $

Total gross income for each joint income group (transfer amounts from Worksheet 1)




(j) $

(k) $

Joint income; for each joint income group, take (h) away from (j) and (i) from (k).



Transfer amount at (g) to (d) on worksheet 6

(l) $

(m) $

(n) is the total net income for each income group: add (l) and (m).




(n) $

(n) $

Step 3 For each separate joint income group, you will have an (n) on worksheet 2 that is either positive or negative. For each income group you need to separately translate the worksheet 2 results to worksheet 6 using the instructions in table 1 or table 2 as appropriate.

If the amount at (n) for a joint income group is positive use table 1, if the amount at (n) is negative use table 2.

Table 1: Amount at (n) on worksheet 2 is positive


Action 1

Action 2

Amount at (m) is negative or 0.

Transfer amount at (n) to (e) on worksheet 6 and write 0 at (g) on worksheet 6 next to the correct joint income group.

Write 0 at (f) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Amounts at (l) and (m) are positive.

Transfer amount at (n) to (e) on worksheet 6 and write 0 at (g) on worksheet 6 next to the correct joint income group.

Transfer amount at (m) to (f) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Amount at (l) is negative and (m) is positive.

Transfer amount at (n) to both (e) and (f) on worksheet 6 next to the correct joint income group.

Write 0 at (g) on worksheet 6 next to the correct joint income group.

Table 2: Amount at (n) on worksheet 2 is negative


Action 1

Action 2

Amount at (m) is negative and (l) is 0.

Write 0 at the joint income group for both (e) and (f) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Transfer as a positive figure the amount at (n) to (g) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Amount at (l) is positive and (m) is negative.

Write 0 at both (e) and (f) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Transfer as a positive figure the amount at (n) to (g) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Amount at (l) is negative and (m) is positive or 0.

Write 0 at both (e) and (f) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Write 0 at (g) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Amount at (l) is negative and (m) is negative.

Write 0 at both (e) and (f) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Transfer as a positive figure the amount at (m) to (g) on worksheet 6, next to the correct joint income group.

Worksheet 3: Working out your partnerships distribution

If you show partnership income at questions 13, 19 or 20, then you must complete worksheet 3 and you may have to complete worksheet 4. Otherwise do not complete worksheets 3 and 4 and go to working out your adjustments.

Worksheet 3 helps you to complete question A3 – labels G and H by splitting your partnership income into business income and investment income.

Step 1 Complete column (b) in worksheet 3 by transferring the appropriate amount from your tax return 2023 for the questions listed in column (a).

Step 2 Write in columns (c), (d) and (e) the amounts derived from a partnership that you have shown at questions 13, 19 and 20 in column (b). The sum of (c), (d) and (e) must equal (b).

Worksheet 3: Working out your partnerships distribution

Gross income amounts

Amount shown




1. Primary production amount (from question 13 – label N)





2. Non-primary production amount (from question 13 – label O)





3. Partnership related foreign income (from questions 19 and 20)





Total partnership distribution (Add up each column.)


(f) $

(f) $

(f) $

Step 3 You need to work out for each partnership (including distributions your partnership received from another partnership) whether the income earned by the partnership was:

You have finished worksheet 3 when you have taken these actions for each partnership.

Table 3: Income for a partnership is all business



Amount at (f) for the partnership is positive.

Transfer amount at (f) to (h) and (i) on worksheet 6, next to the correct partnership.

Amount at (f) for the partnership is negative.

Write 0 at (h) and (i) on worksheet 6 for that partnership.

Write as a positive figure the amount at (f) in worksheet 4, next to the correct partnership.

Table 4: Income for a partnership is all investment



Amount at (f) for the partnership is positive.

Transfer amount at (f) to (h) on worksheet 6 for that partnership.

Write 0 at (i) and (j) on worksheet 6, next to the correct partnership.

Amount at (f) for the partnership is negative.

Write 0 at (h), (i) and (j) on worksheet 6, next to the correct partnership.

Table 5: Income for a partnership that is partly carrying on a business and partly non-business investments



Amount at (f) for the partnership is positive.

Transfer amount at (f) to (h) in worksheet 6.

Transfer that part of the positive amount that is attributable to the partnership carrying on a business to (i) on worksheet 6.

The amount transferred to (i) should not exceed the amount at (f).

Write it next to the correct partnership.

Amount at (f) for the partnership is negative.

Write 0 at (h) and (i) in worksheet 6 for that partnership.

Write as a positive figure that part of the partnership loss that is attributable to carrying on a business at (f) on worksheet 4.

The amount transferred to (f) should not exceed the amount at (f) on worksheet 3.

Write it next to the correct partnership.

Worksheet 4: Working out your partnership business deductions

You must complete worksheet 4 if, on your 2023 tax return, you show:

  • a partnership loss, where the partnership is carrying on a business, at questions 13, 19 or 20, or
  • business deductions from partnership income.

Otherwise do not complete worksheet 4. Go to worksheet 5.

Worksheet 4 helps you to complete question A3 – label H by identifying business deductions related to partnerships.

Include expenses in this worksheet only to the extent that they are related to a partnership that is carrying on business. Do not include expenses already shown as business deductions in worksheet 2.

Step 1 Complete column (b) in worksheet 4 by transferring the appropriate amount from your tax return 2023 for the questions listed in column (a).

Step 2 For each amount in column (b) write the amounts in columns (c), (d) or (e) for each partnership. The sum of (c), (d) and (e) must equal (b).

Exclude any deductions that relate to trust distributions.

Worksheet 4: Working out your partnership business deductions


Amount shown that relates to business income




1. Partnership loss (transferred from Table 3 and Table 5 if so instructed)

Does not apply

(f) $

(f) $

(f) $

2. Partnership and trusts: landcare and water facilities (included in amount shown at question 13 – labels I and J)





3. Partnership and trusts: other deductions relating to distributions (included in amount shown at question 13 – labels X and Y relating to partnership distribution only)





4. Other deductions relating to partnership distributions (that you have not shown as business deductions on worksheet 2)





Total business expenses (Add up each column.)


(j) $

(j) $

(j) $

Step 3 Transfer the amounts at (j) to (j) worksheet 6, next to the correct partnership.

Worksheet 5: Working out your adjustments

You must complete worksheet 5 if you show any of the following amounts:

  • income at questions 1, 2, 3, 4 (other than death benefits), 12 – label B, IT1 or IT2 that is not attributable to employment in 2022–23 (for example, because you ceased work for that employer before 1 July 2022)
  • 2022–23 employment income or business income on your tax return, which you do not show at    
    • Worksheets 1 or 3
    • questions 1, 2, 3, 4 (other than death benefits)
    • questions 12 – label B, IT1 or IT2 in your tax return, or
    • questions P1 or P8 in your Business and professional items schedule for individuals 2023
  • deductions in relation to business income that are not shown at question P8 in your Business and professional items schedule for individuals 2023, and that you do not show in worksheets 2 or 4
  • personal services income at question P1 of your Business and professional items schedule for individuals 2023 which is not related to your employment or the carrying on of a business, or income at question P8 that is not related to you carrying on a business.

If you do not need to complete worksheet 5 continue to complete Worksheet 6.

Step 1 Additional eligible income

Calculate the total of any employment income from 2022–23 or business income that you do not show:

  • at questions 1, 2, 3, 4 (other than death benefits), 12 – label B, IT1 or IT2, or
  • as income on your Business and professional items schedule for individuals 2023, or
  • on worksheets 1 or 3.

Write the total at (k) on worksheet 5 and at (k) on worksheet 6.

Step 2 Ineligible income

Calculate the total of any income that was not from employment in 2022–23 or from business, which you show:

  • at questions 1, 2, 3, 4 (other than death benefits), 12 – label B, IT1 or IT2, or
  • as income in your Business and professional items schedule for individuals 2023.

This includes income from employment that ceased before 1 July 2022.

Write the total at (q) on worksheet 5 and at (q) on worksheet 6.

Step 3

Calculate any other adjustments that are needed to accurately reflect your total income, eligible income or business deductions.

For example, if you have any business deductions other than those you included in the deduction items at question P8 in the Business and professional items schedule for individuals 2023, or which are taken into account as business deductions in worksheets 2 or 4, these should be added at (n) on worksheet 5 and at (n) on worksheet 6.

An adjustment may also be appropriate if at an income question you have shown an amount that is net of deductible expenses, rather than recording your full assessable income, or if you have recorded an expense at a deduction question that is net of assessable income, rather than recording your full deduction.

If this is the case, you need to include these amounts at (l), (m), or (n) on worksheet 5 and worksheet 6 to make adjustments to question A3 for labels:

  • F (to adjust for assessable income)
  • G (to adjust for eligible income)
  • H (to adjust for business deductions).

Worksheet 5: Working out your adjustments

Additional eligible income


Ineligible income


Amount to include in total income


Amount to include in eligible income


Amount to include in business deductions


Transfer the amounts at (k), (q), (l), (m) and (n) from here to (k), (q), (l), (m) and (n) on worksheet 6.

Worksheet 6: Summary

You must complete worksheet 6. It shows the amounts you need to enter at question A3 – labels F, G and H.

Completing question A3 – label G ensures our super co-contribution and low income super tax offset systems correctly calculate your employment income or income earned from carrying on a business.

Worksheet 6: Summary

Calculation element

Amount to include in total income

Amount to include in eligible income

Amount to include in business deductions

Solely earned income that is not from employment or business

(a) $

Does not apply

Does not apply

Solely earned employment or business income

(b) $

(c) $

(d) $

Joint income group 1

(e) $

(f) $

(g) $

Joint income group 2

(e) $

(f) $

(g) $

Joint income group 3

(e) $

(f) $

(g) $

Partnership 1

(h) $

(i) $

(j) $

Partnership 2

(h) $

(i) $

(j) $

Partnership 3

(h) $

(i) $

(j) $

Additional eligible income from worksheet 5

Does not apply

(k) $

Does not apply

Adjustments from worksheet 5

(l) $

(m) $

(n) $

Total each column

(x) $

(p) $

(z) $

Ineligible income from worksheet 5

Does not apply

(q) $

Does not apply

Take (q) away from (p).

Does not apply

(y) $

Does not apply

Transfer the amount at:

  • (x) to question A3 – label F in your tax return 2023 and if 0 write C in the code box
  • (y) to question A3 – label G in your tax return 2023; if this amount is negative write L in the loss box
  • (z) to question A3 – label H in your tax return 2023.

Continue to: Glossary
