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Individual Auto-Registration help

Individual Auto Registration TFN application for foreign passport holders, permanent migrants or temporary visitors.

Last updated 17 July 2024

Travel documentation details

We will use the information you enter here to verify your details with the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Make sure you enter the information exactly as it appears on your passport or travel document.

Passport or travel document number

This is a unique number given to you when you are issued a passport or other travel documentation from the issuing country.

The passport number is generally found on the passport-forming part of the personal information. It may also be listed or perforated on every page of the passport. If you don't have a passport, but you do have some other form of travel documentation, such as an ImmiCard, provide the number found on this document.

Country of origin

This is the name of the country from which the passport or travel document originates. Select the country of origin from the dropdown box.

For ImmiCard holders, select the nationality shown on your ImmiCard. If the 3-letter nationality code doesn't align with a country, refer to the following table for the country that needs to be selected.

Table 1: nationality codes and countries

ICAO Nationality (as per ImmiCard)

Country that needs to be selected


Stateless person


Refugee as per article 1


Refugee other than article 1


Unspecified nationality

You can also use VEVOExternal Link to check your visa details and conditions.

If your country of origin doesn't appear on the list

If your country of origin doesn't appear on the list, please contact DHA, as we can't process your application.

Previously visited Australia

Select 'Yes' if you have visited Australia on any previous occasion.

Personal details

Your name

You will need to complete the following details:

  • title
  • family name or surname
  • first given name.


Use the dropdown menu to select one of the options provided. For example, your title could be:

  • Mister
  • Mrs
  • Miss
  • Doctor, or
  • some other title.

Family name or surname

Enter your family name or surname as it appears on your passport or travel document. (This is the name you share with other family members or the name you have changed by marriage or deed poll.) This field is mandatory. It can be between 1 and 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

First given name

Enter your first given name as it appears on your passport or travel document. The first given name details can be between 1 and 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

Other given names

If you have more than one given name, enter your other given name here, as it appears on your passport or travel document. The other given name field can be between 1 and 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

Other names

This field is mandatory. Select 'Yes' if you are, or have been, known by other names, for example your name before marriage or an anglicised version of your first given name.

Select 'No' if you are not, or have never been, known by other names.

Date of birth

This field is mandatory.

  • Enter your date of birth as it appears on your passport or travel documents:
    • Your date of birth must be in the format DD/MM/YYYY where DD = day, MM = month, YY = year.
    • This date must not be a future date.
  • If you receive an error advising your details don’t match, ensure the time zone on your device is set to an Australian Time zone.


This field is mandatory.


  • male
  • female, or
  • indeterminate.

Spouse name

If you have a spouse either married or in a de facto relationship, enter their name details here. A spouse is the person you are married to or living with on a bona fide domestic basis as husband and wife even though you are not legally married.

You will need to complete the following details for your spouse:

  • title
  • family name or surname
  • first given name
  • other given name.


Use the dropdown menu to select one of the options provided. For example, your spouse's title could be:

  • Mister
  • Mrs
  • Miss
  • Doctor, or
  • some other title.

Family name or surname

Enter your spouse's family name or surname. (This is the name your spouse shares with other members of their family or the name changed by marriage or deed poll.) This field is mandatory. It can be 1 to 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

First given name

Enter your spouse's first given name. It can be 1 to 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

Other given name

If you select 'Yes' you will be presented with new mandatory fields. If your spouse has more than one given name, enter your spouse's other given name(s) here. The other given name field can be 1 to 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

Personal details – other names

  • name at birth
  • maiden name
  • indigenous name
  • assumed name (known as)
  • previous married name
  • shortened version
  • anglicised name
  • other name type.

You will need to complete the following details when you have been known by any other name:

  • title
  • family name or surname
  • first given name
  • other given name.


The title field is mandatory. Use the dropdown menu to select one of the options provided.

Use the dropdown menu to select one of the options provided. For example. your title could be:

  • Mister
  • Mrs
  • Miss
  • Doctor, or
  • some other title.

Family name

This field is mandatory.

Enter any other surname or family name that you have been known by. It can be 1 to 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

First given name

Enter any other first name that you have been known by. It can be 1 to 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

Other given name/s

Enter any other given name that you have been known by. It can be 1 to 40 characters long.

It must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

Note: if you have more other names, please select 'Add +' on the right and additional fields will be provided.

Existing TFN or ABN information

Where you have an existing TFN or ABN we will ask the following questions.

What to enter

  • Select 'Yes' if you have had a tax file number (TFN) or Australian business number (ABN) before.
  • Select 'No' if you have never had a TFN or ABN before.


If you answer 'Yes' to the question 'Have you ever had a TFN or ABN before?' place your TFN or ABN in the fields provided. The TFN is a 9-digit number, and the ABN is an 11-digit number.

It is not an offence if you don't quote your TFN or ABN but not quoting it may cause delays in processing your application.

Have you ever lodged a tax return in Australia?

  • Select 'Yes' if you have lodged a tax return in Australia.
  • Select 'No' if you have never lodged a tax return in Australia.

Do you own property or have other business interests in Australia?

  • Select 'Yes' if you own property or have other business interests in Australia.
  • Select 'No' if you don't own property or have other business interests in Australia.

Do you authorise Centrelink to receive your TFN from the ATO?

If you select 'Yes', enter your Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN):

  • maximum characters are: 10
  • valid characters are: A–Z and 0–9
  • enter numbers and letters only.

Select 'No' if you haven't authorised Centrelink to receive your TFN from the ATO.

Address details

If your address doesn't appear in the list, manually enter your address details into each field. This method applies to both postal and home addresses.

When manually entering your address details, please adhere to the following guidelines and instructions, including these fields:

  • postal address
  • town or suburb
  • state
  • postcode
  • country
  • home address
  • home address same as postal address
  • town or suburb
  • state
  • postcode
  • country.

Postal address

Your postal address will be the address we send the tax file number (TFN) advice to. Your postal address must be an Australian address.

Postal address fields are mandatory.

Address line 1 and Address line 2 fields may include one of the following: C/, C/-, CO, Care Of, GPO, GPO Box, PO, PO Box, Post Box, Box, Post Office, P/-, Locked Bag, Private Bag, RMB, RSD, RMD.

Postal addresses should not:

  • have a blank address line 1
  • contain 'corner' of 2 streets as this is not a valid postal address
  • contain numbers only.

Town or suburb field

The town or suburb should not:

  • contain ~'!@#$%^&*_+[]{}:;?/><=
  • contain numbers only
  • contain 3 or more repeated characters.

State field

This field must contain a valid State option from the dropdown menu – that is:

  • New South Wales = NSW
  • Victoria = VIC
  • Queensland = QLD
  • Western Australia = WA
  • South Australia = SA
  • Tasmania = TAS
  • Northern Territory = NT
  • Australian Capital Territory = ACT.

Postcode field

This field:

  • is only valid if between the ranges of 0200-0299, 0800-7499, and 7800-9799
  • should be 4 numbers.

Country field

This field defaults to Australia and can't be changed.

Home address

If you are applying as a temporary visitor, your home address may be your address in your home country. Your home address can't be a Post Office (PO) box number.

Home address same as postal address field

If your home address is the same as your postal address select 'Yes'.

If your home address is not the same as your postal address leave it, or select, 'No' and enter your home address details.

Address line 1 and Address line 2 fields should not contain C/, C/-, CO, Care Of, GPO, GPO Box, PO, PO Box, Post Box, Box, Post Office, P/-, Locked Bag, Private Bag, RMB, RSD, RMD.

Your home address should not:

  • have a blank address line 1
  • contain the words 'as above'
  • contain numbers only.

Town or suburb field

The town or suburb should not:

  • be blank (for Australian addresses)
  • contain ~'!@#$%^&*_+[]{}:;?/><=
  • contain numbers only
  • contain 3 or more repeated characters.

State field

For Australian addresses, select a valid State option from the dropdown menu (that is, NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA, TAS, NT, or ACT).

Your State should be blank if the address is outside Australia.

Postcode field

The postcode:

  • is mandatory for Australian addresses
  • is only valid if between the ranges of 0200-0299, 0800-7499, and 7800-9799 (excluding 2001, 3001, 4001)
  • should have 4 numbers (for Australian addresses).

Country field

Select the country for the home address from the dropdown menu.

Contact details

You must provide contact details of at least one person we can contact if we need more information. You may provide contact details for another person if you don't want us to contact you because of your language difficulties, age, or illness.

Your details

Enter your own details into the following:

  • mobile number (10 digits)
  • phone number      
    • prefix (area code) = 2 digits
    • phone number = 8 digits
  • email address.

The email address should:

  • be in lower case
  • contain a dot (.)
  • include the @ symbol as part of the address.

The email field must not:

  • contain adjacent dots (..)
  • include more than one @ symbol
  • contain ()<>';:"{}/ or a 'space'
  • have a dot (.) as the leading character
  • have a dot (.) as the trailing character
  • have a dot (.) next to the @ symbol
  • have a leading or embedded space (or spaces)
  • have an @ symbol as the leading character
  • have an @ symbol as the trailing character
  • contain quotation marks (") following the @ symbol.

The email field may contain spaces, but only where the spaces are enclosed in quotation marks.

Other person’s details

If you select 'Yes' to providing contact details for another person we can contact, you will be presented with additional mandatory fields. Enter the full name of the person. They can be 1 to 40 characters long. They must not contain:

  • the characters ~@#$%^&*()+[]{} /;:?<>=."
  • numbers only
  • 2 or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.

Other person’s contact details

You must provide at least one phone number or an email address for the other person, for example, business, after hours, or mobile.

Each field should contain:

  • mobile number (10 digits)
  • phone number      
    • prefix (area code) = 2 digits
    • phone number = 8 digits
  • email address.

The email address should:

  • be in lower case
  • contain a dot (.)
  • include the @ symbol as part of the address

The email field must not:

  • contain adjacent dots (..)
  • include more than one @ symbol
  • contain ()<>';:"{}/ or a 'space'
  • have a dot (.) as the leading character
  • have a dot (.) as the trailing character
  • have a dot (.) next to the @ symbol
  • have a leading or embedded space (or spaces)
  • have an @ symbol as the leading character
  • have an @ symbol as the trailing character
  • contain quotation marks (") following the @ symbol.

The email field may contain spaces, but only where the spaces are enclosed in quotation marks.
