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International dealings schedule - financial services instructions 2011

Instructions to help taxpayers complete the International dealings schedule - financial services (IDS-FS) 2011.

Last updated 8 November 2011

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You can download a printable version of International dealings schedule - financial services instructions (NAT 73959, 711KB) in Portable Document Format (PDF).

Instructions to help you complete the International dealings schedule – financial services 2011.

Guidance notes on who should complete the International dealings schedule – financial services.

Instructions and definitions to help you complete the International dealings schedule – financial services.

Guidance to help you complete Section B: Dealings with specified countries.

Guidance to help you complete Section C: International related party dealings.

Guidance to help you complete Section D: Financial services.

Guidance to help you complete Section E: Interest in foreign entities.

Guidance to help you complete Section F: Thin capitalisation.

Guidance to help you complete Section G: Declaration.

Guidance to help you complete the Appendixes.

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