Use this form when reporting amounts you withheld from a supplier that did not quote their Australian business number (ABN).
You must include all known details for each payee from which you withheld amounts. Therefore, you are not required to include copies of individual payment summaries with this annual report when lodging it. These should be kept for your records.
If you are a business in the building and construction industry, you need to report to us the total payments you make to each contractor for building and construction services each year.
These payments are reported to us on the Taxable payments annual report, including any amounts withheld from payments made to contractors that did not quote an ABN during the financial year.
Do not include any amounts in the PAYG withholding where no ABN quoted – annual report (NAT 3448) that you have already reported in the Taxable payments annual report (NAT 74109).
See also
- PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted guidelines
- Taxable payments reporting – building and construction industry
- Annual reporting
- Privacy notice – PAYG withholding where ABN not quoted – annual report
If you don’t want to use the paper form, the PAYG withholding where ABN not quoted – annual report can be lodged online.
For more information, see Lodging your PAYG withholding annual reports online.
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