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Payment plan request for registered agents

As a registered agent, use this form to request a payment plan for your clients.

Last updated 3 July 2023

About this form

Filling in the payment plan request form will:

  • provide us with important information required to enter a payment plan
  • reduce the need for us to contact you for additional information.

This form should only be used when you can't set up a payment plan for your client through Online services for agents.

Get the form

Download and complete the Payment plan request form (XLS, 70KB)This link will download a file.

How to lodge the form

Submit your completed form via Practice mail in Online services for agents, by selecting the:

  • topic Debt and Lodgment
  • subject Payment Arrangement Request

The submitted form may take up to 28 days to process during peak lodgment dates.

Manage your client's payment plan

The easiest way to create and manage your client's payment plan is via Online services for agents.

Sign in to Online services for agents

Once you have signed into Online services for agents, you will need to:

  • select a client
  • then select Accounts and payments
  • then select Payment plans
  • next Add to make a new plan.

You can view our Creating a payment plan in Online services for agents video.

Access support information

For more information, see Help with paying and Online services for agents user guide.
