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Do you need to ask for a private ruling?

Last updated 3 December 2005

If you have a concern about the way a tax law applies to your personal tax affairs, you may want to ask for a private ruling.

A private ruling will relate just to your situation. Write to the ATO describing your situation in detail and ask for advice. To do this, complete an application for a private ruling. You should lodge your tax return by the due date, even if you are waiting for the reply to your private ruling. You may need to request an amendment to your tax return once you have received the private ruling.

The ATO publishes on its website all private rulings issued. What we publish will not contain anything which could identify you.

You can ask for a review of a private ruling decision if you disagree with it, even if you have not received your assessment. Details of the review procedures are sent to you when the private ruling decision is made. For more information on private rulings, visit the ATO website at
