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Tax and the BSWAT payment

Transcript for the video about Tax and the business services wage assessment tool payment scheme (BSWAT) payment.

Last updated 9 July 2023

BSWAT payment scheme

The business services wage assessment tool payment scheme (BSWAT) started on 1 July 2015 and ended on 31 December 2018.

To see the video of this transcript, go to BSWAT Payment Scheme. The video outlines the requirements and support available if you are required to lodge a tax return and received a BSWAT payment.

Did you earn more than $18,200?

If your BSWAT payment was more than $18,200 or if you had other income as well as your BSWAT payment and together it adds up to be more than $18,200, you may need to do a tax return.

Do you need to do a tax return?

Not everyone with a BSWAT payment will have to do a tax return.

If you are not sure if you need to do a tax return, you can:

  • Ask your tax agent or trustee or
  • call the Tax Office on 13 28 69 from July to October.

If you call the Tax Office tell the person on the phone that you have a BSWAT payment and you need help to check if you need to lodge.

Before you call make sure you have all the right papers ready.

You will need:

  • your Centrelink PAYG payment summary
  • information about any other income you have earned during the year
  • a copy of Attachment E: Important tax information, which is included in your BSWAT payment letter of offer.

Getting help to do your tax return

If you need to do a tax return, you will need to fill out a paper form. You can ask someone you trust to help you to fill it out or, you can get help from a Tax Help volunteer.

Tell the person that you received a BSWAT payment, and you want help from a Tax Help volunteer. Tax Help is free.

To get the forms posted to you, or to get Tax Help, phone 13 28 69 from July to October.

For more information about tax, see Here, you will find Easy Read information that tells you what you need to do.
