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Search Suggestion:

2 Status of business

Last updated 11 February 2019

Print X at B1, B2, or B3 to show the appropriate description for the status of the business. If more than one selection applies, select the first applicable option. If none of the selections applies, leave B1 to B3 blank.

Consolidation status

Print X at Z2 if the trust was a subsidiary member of a consolidated group at any time during the income year.

In this case the tax return is for the period during which the trust was not a subsidiary member of a consolidated group in the income year (non-membership period). If applicable, it will be necessary to complete a Thin capitalisation schedule 2011, Schedule 25A 2011 or an International dealings schedule - financial services for periods attributable to the non-membership period. For information about reporting multiple non-membership periods during the year see Consolidation reference manual.

If the trust was a member of a consolidated group for the whole income year the responsibility for preparing the schedules will rest on the head company of the consolidated group.

In this case the tax return is for the period during which the trust was not a subsidiary member of a consolidated group in the income year. If you print X at Z2 the trust does not need to complete a Thin capitalisation schedule, Schedule 25A or an International dealings schedule - financial services.
