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Off-market share buy-backs

Information about off-market share buy-backs and dividends.

Last updated 18 January 2024

If you disposed of shares to a company under a buy-back arrangement, you may have made a capital gain or capital loss. A part of the buy-back price may be treated as a dividend for tax purposes. The time you make the capital gain or capital loss will depend on the particular buy-back offer.

Off-market share buy-backs announced and undertaken by a listed public company after 7:30 pm (AEDT) 25 October 2022 no longer includes a dividend component as part of the purchase price. For more information, see Improving the integrity of off-market share buy-backs.

If the information provided by the company or any class ruling that has been issued in relation to the buy-back is not sufficient for you to calculate your capital gain or capital loss, you may need to seek advice from us or a recognised tax adviser.

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