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D1 Gross foreign income

Last updated 12 July 2020

Write at D1 the gross assessable income derived by the fund from foreign sources, including New Zealand dividends and supplementary dividends. Do not include any Australian franking credits attached to New Zealand dividends. Write these at E Australian franking credits from a New Zealand company.

If the fund received a distribution of foreign source income from a partnership or trust, include the foreign source income at D1. Do not include this amount at:

  • I Gross distribution from partnerships, and
  • Q Trust distributions other amounts.

An Australian superannuation fund makes a capital gain if a CGT event happens to any of its worldwide CGT assets.

A fund that is not an Australian superannuation fund makes a capital gain, generally speaking, if the CGT asset is taxable Australian property just before the CGT event happens. Do not include at D1 any capital gains made from these assets. Include the capital gains at A Net capital gain.

For more information, see:

The fund may also need to complete a Losses schedule 2008.
