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Section A: Supplier details

Last updated 11 October 2018

Give your details as the person or entity supplying information and completing this statement. You may be:

  • a tax agent, accountant, administrator or other authorised person completing this statement on behalf of the provider
  • the provider themselves, completing the statement on your own behalf.

1 Tax file number (TFN)

Provide your TFN.

2 Australian business number (ABN)

Provide your ABN.

3 Tax agent number (TAN)

Provide your TAN if you are a tax agent reporting the contributions information on behalf of the provider.

4 Organisation name

Provide the full name of your organisation.

5 Street address

Provide your street address, not a post office box.

6 Postal address

Provide your postal address.

7 Contact person

Provide the details of a person who may be contacted if we have any questions about the information in this statement.

8 Reference

Provide a reference that you will find useful in identifying the statement if we need to contact you about the information on this MCS.

9 Number of member records reported

Provide the number of members reported. You must report all members each financial year.


  • You can only report a maximum of 20 members using this statement.
