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How to complete a paper report

Last updated 7 December 2022

The following information will help you complete the transfer balance account report (TBAR) and avoid delays in processing your TBAR.

For information on the terms used in these instructions, see Definitions.

Section A – Member details

Complete the information in Section A accurately to avoid delays in updating your member’s transfer balance account.

1 Tax file number (TFN)

Enter your member’s TFN. You don’t have to provide your member’s TFN to us, however, it will help us identify your member correctly and process your report quickly. If you provide your member's TFN check it carefully to ensure it matches the member who is receiving the income stream.

2 Name

Enter your member’s full name.

3 Date of birth

Provide your member’s date of birth to avoid delays in processing your report.

4 Current residential address

Enter your member’s residential address.

Section B – Cancellation

5 Are you cancelling a previous transfer balance report?

If yes tick the box at Section B Cancellation and complete the rest of the form exactly how you originally reported it (including the incorrectly reported information). This enables us to match your cancellation request to the original lodgment.

If you previously reported multiple events you only need to include details of the event you wish to cancel.

If you want to amend information reported previously you will need to send us 2 reports. The first report must be lodged to cancel the previous form and a new report must be lodged to provide the correct information.

Note: If you need to re-report you must ensure that you lodge the cancellation first before sending the correction to avoid duplication.

Section C – Fund/Supplier/Provider details

6 Intermediary/Supplier name

Are you completing this report on behalf of the provider?

If yes, enter the intermediary or supplier name.

7 Australian business number (ABN)

Enter the ABN of the intermediary or supplier.

Provide your contact details in Section G. Your contact details are required in case we need to speak to you about the details supplied on this report.

8 Fund/Provider name

Enter the income stream provider/fund name.

The provider is the particular super fund, approved deposit fund (ADF), retirement savings account (RSA), or life insurance company that holds the account for the member.

A super fund includes all public sector super schemes, regardless of whether they are administered by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), and regardless of whether they are constitutionally protected.

9 Fund/Provider ABN

Enter the income stream provider/fund ABN.

Ensure the ABN is correct to avoid delays processing your report. If the ABN has been cancelled do not include it. Include the TFN instead.

10 Fund/Provider TFN

Enter the income stream provider/fund TFN.

You don’t have to provide the TFN to us, however, it will help us identify the provider correctly and process your report quickly. If you provide the provider/fund TFN, ensure it is correct to avoid delays processing your report.

Section D – Events

Section D asks for the details of each event you are reporting. When a member has multiple events you may be able to report up to 4 events on this report. If reporting more than one event, you will need to complete all relevant sections, at event one for the first event you are reporting, then fully complete event 2 for the second event you are reporting and so on.

Note: When you are reporting for a child death benefit (reversionary or non-reversionary) you must supply only one event per report.

11 Event reporting

Choose which event you are reporting and read the step:

  • 12 only if you are responding to a commutation authority issued by the Commissioner to the fund. Go to Step 14 if you are reporting any other commutation by the member, including a commutation the member has requested because they have exceeded their cap and we have sent them an excess transfer balance determination and have not sent the fund a commutation authority.
  • 13 if you are reporting an event associated with starting a new income stream or you have a Limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) repayment
  • 14 if you are reporting        
    • a voluntary member commutation (including a commutation requested by the member because we have sent them an excess transfer balance determination but not yet sent the fund a commutation authority)
    • a structured settlement contribution made on or after 1 July 2017
    • an income stream has stopped being in the retirement phase
  • 15 if you are reporting your member's accumulation phase value or retirement phase value for total super balance (TSB).

Only choose one event per report.

12 Commutation authorities

A Commutation authority is a notice we issue to a super income stream provider requiring the provider to commute an amount from a specified super income stream.

When you have complied with the commutation by the due date, select the most appropriate event.

  • Commutation authority – commuted in full and go to Step 17        
    • only select this event if you have commuted the full amount required, including cents, from the income stream stated in the notice by the due date stated in the notice.
  • Commutation authority – commuted in part and go to Step 17        
    • select this event if you have commuted the maximum available release amount where this amount is less than the full amount required from the income stream stated in the notice by the due date stated in the notice
    • select this event if the maximum available release amount is nil. This may apply if a commutation authority was issued to an account-based pension with statutory commutation restrictions (for example, a market linked pension)
    • select this event if the income stream account stated in the notice was closed before we issued a commutation authority.

If you select this option, it is important that the account is reported as closed.

  • Commutation authority – deceased and go to Section E        
    • only select this event if you have chosen not to comply with a commutation authority because the member is deceased
  • Commutation authority – defined benefit and go to Section E        
    • only select this event if you have chosen not to comply with a commutation authority because it was issued in relation to a capped defined benefit income stream.

Do not use this section if the fund has not received a commutation authority.

13 Pre-existing or new income stream events or a limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) repayment

Use this section to report when superannuation income stream that is in the retirement phase commences. Also use this section if an SMSF or another complying super fund with less than 5 members makes a payment under a limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) entered into on or after 1 July 2017 where the payment results in an increase in the value of a member's retirement phase super income stream.

Select one of the following events and go to Step 17:

  • Super income stream
  • Reversionary income stream
  • LRBA repayments
  • Child death benefit income stream
  • Child reversionary income stream.

If you select Child death benefit income stream or Child reversionary income stream you can only report one event per report.

14 Other transfer balance cap events

An event occurs when:

  • a full or partial commutation of a retirement phase super income stream occurred        
    • do not use this event to report a commutation in response to a commutation authority. To respond to a commutation authority go to Step 12
  • a member's super income stream stopped being in the retirement phase at any time during the year for a reason other than a commutation or non-compliance with a commutation authority        
    • an example of when this event might occur is if a super income stream fails to comply with the rules or standards under which it is provided
    • do not use this event to report that a super income stream account has been closed because the interest has been exhausted (this doesn't have to be reported in this report)
    • do not use this event to report that a super income stream account has been closed because the member is deceased (this doesn't have to be reported in this report)
  • a structured settlement contribution which was made on or after 1 July 2017.

Select one of the following events and go to Step 17:

  • Member commutation
  • Income stream stops being in retirement phase
  • Structured settlement – post 1 July 2017.

15 Total super balance

Only complete this answer if you are reporting information for your member’s total super balance in relation to the 2017 income year. From 30 June 2018 you will report this information on your SMSF annual return if you need to do so.

Note: Question 15 does not relate to the member's transfer balance cap. To report a transfer balance cap event go to Step 11.


  • Accumulation phase value go to Step 17 when        
    • you are reporting an APV to ensure we can correctly calculate your member's total super balance.
    • SMSFs only need to report a 30 June 2017 APV at Question 15 in specific scenarios. If an APV is supplied, the SMSF annual return closing account balance will not be utilised for calculating the APV for TSB purposes.

SMSFs don't need to provide the Retirement phase value information on this form. From 30 June 2018 you will provide this information to us on your SMSF annual return if you need to do so.

16 Concessional contributions – Withdrawn

The obligation to report concessional contributions via the TBAR has now been removed. If it is reported it will not have an adverse impact on members.

17 Effective date

The effective date is usually the date the event occurred. Enter the effective date and go to Step 18.

Refer to the tables below to help you determine the effective date.

Effective dates for event types

Event type

Effective date

Super income stream

The commencement date of the income stream. If the income stream commenced prior to 1 July 2017 then enter 30/06/2017.

Child death benefit income stream

The commencement date of the income stream. If the income stream commenced prior to 1 July 2017 then enter 30/06/2017.

Reversionary income stream

If the date of death of the original member was on or after 1 July 2016 – the date of the death of the original member.

If the date of death of the original member was prior to 1 July 2016 do not use this event type; use super income stream or child death benefit income stream.

Child reversionary income stream

If the date of death of the original member was on or after 1 July 2016 – the date of the death of the original member.

If the date of death of the original member was prior to 1 July 2016 use super income stream or child death benefit income stream.

Member commutation

The date the income stream was commuted in full or in part.

Income stream stops being in retirement phase

The date the income stream stopped being in the retirement phase.

If the provider fails to pay the minimum payment in an income year, the date will be 30 June of the relevant financial year.

If the provider fails to pay the pro-rated minimum payment prior to fully commuting an income stream, the date will be the date of the commutation.

Limited recourse borrowing arrangement repayment

The date the LRBA repayment was made.

Structured settlement – post 1 July 2017

The date the contribution was made.

Effective dates for responding to a commutation authority

Event type

Effective date

Commutation authority – commuted in full

The date the income stream was commuted in full or in part in response to the commutation authority.

Commutation authority – commuted in part

The date the income stream was commuted in full in response to the commutation authority.

If the maximum available release amount is nil, an effective date is not required.

If the income stream was closed before a commutation authority was issued, an effective date is not required.

Commutation authority – deceased

An effective date is not required.

Commutation authority – defined benefit

An effective date is not required.

Effective dates for total super balance

Event type

Effective date

Accumulation phase value

30 June 2017 only

18 Value

Enter the relevant value in Australian dollars and cents to 2 decimal places. The value can only be a positive amount.

A value is not required if you are responding to a commutation authority and the reason is:

  • Commutation authority – deceased
  • Commutation authority – defined benefit.

A value of $0.00 must be reported if you are responding to a commutation authority and the reason is:

  • Commutation authority - commuted in part        
    • and you have been unable to comply with the commutation authority because the maximum available release amount is nil
    • and you have been unable to comply with the commutation authority because the income stream account stated in the notice was closed before we issued a commutation authority.

Refer to the below table to help you determine the value you need to report for all other events.

Values by account type

Account type


For account-based income streams that existed just before 1 July 2017

The value of the super interest that supports the super income stream just before 1 July 2017.

For account-based income streams that started on or after 1 July 2017

The commencement value of the new super income stream on the commencement date. This includes the date an income stream that was previously not in retirement phase commenced in retirement phase.

For capped defined benefit income streams that existed before 1 July 2017

The special value of the super interest that supports the income stream just before 1 July 2017.

For capped defined benefit income streams that started on or after 1 July 2017

The special value of the super interest that supports the income stream on the commencement date.

For limited recourse borrowing repayments

The amount of the increase in the value of the superannuation interest supporting the superannuation income stream arising from the loan repayment.

For full and partial commutations of an account-based super income stream

The amount of the super lump sum.

For full commutations of a capped defined benefit income stream

The debit value, just before the super lump sum is paid, of the super interest that supports the capped defined benefit income stream.

For partial commutations of a capped defined benefit income stream

The debit value, multiplied by the following formula:

1 − (special value just after commutation ÷ special value just before commutation).

For a structured settlement contribution

The value of the contribution made to a complying super fund when notifying the provider that it is to be excluded from the non-concessional contributions cap.

For a super income stream that stops being in the retirement phase

The value of the super interest at the relevant time.

For accumulation phase 30 June value

The value of the superannuation interest that would become payable if the individual voluntarily caused the interest to cease at that time. Generally, this is the withdrawal value of an accumulation fund.

For retirement phase value from 30 June 2018

The value of the superannuation interest that would become payable if the individual voluntarily caused the interest to cease at that time. Generally, this is the withdrawal value for an accumulation fund.

Valuation guidelines for self-managed super funds is designed to help you as an SMSF trustee when valuing assets for superannuation purposes.

19 Response to a commutation authority

Only complete this if you are responding to a commutation authority issued by us and you have either:

  • commuted in full
  • commuted in part.

Select Yes if the commutation was paid out of the super system.

Select No if the commutation was retained in the super system.

If unknown, leave blank.

Section E – Member account details

You don't need to complete this section if you are only reporting a structured settlement contribution, a limited recourse borrowing arrangement repayment or if you are reporting an accumulation phase value, go to Section G.

20 Member account type

You must report the account type. Select the member account type:

  • Account-based income stream, if the        
    • income stream was not a capped defined benefit income stream, or
    • market linked income stream commenced on or after 1 July 2017.
  • Capped defined benefit income stream just before 1 July 2017, if the income stream was a        
    • lifetime pension Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SISR) 1.06(2)
    • lifetime annuity SISR 1.05(2)
    • life expectancy pension SISR 1.06(7)
    • life expectancy annuity SISR 1.05(9)
    • any other equivalent types of income streams as specified in the law.
  • Market-linked capped defined benefit income stream just before 1 July 2017, if the income stream was        
    • market-linked pension SISR 1.06(8)
    • market-linked annuity SISR 1.05(10)
    • market-linked pension RSAR 1.07(3A)
    • any other equivalent types of life income streams as specified in the law.
  • Capped defined benefit income stream on or after 1 July 2017, if the income stream was        
    • lifetime pension SISR 1.06(2)
    • any other equivalent types of income streams as specified in the law.

21 Is the account closed?

Only report the account is closed if the member no longer has an interest in the income stream.

22 Unique superannuation identifier (USI)

Enter your member’s USI.

The USI is attributed by the provider to the member’s account. The USI must be an identifier previously given by the provider to the ATO for the purposes of the Fund Validation Service (FVS) and Regulation 3B.03 of SISR.

If you don't have a USI, leave this blank.

23 Member account number

Enter your member’s account number.

This is the account number allocated by a provider to identify a member's account in the fund.

When the member is a member of an SMSF:

  • An account number needs to be provided for each of your member’s accounts. For example, if a member has 2 retirement phase income stream accounts as at 1 July 2017, a retirement phase income stream value will need to be reported for each account, and each account will need to be identified by a unique account number.
  • The account number needs to be consistent for events in relation to a particular income stream – for example, if a member starts and then commutes an income stream, the same member account number needs to be reported to ensure we record the amounts correctly for the member.

24 Member client identifier

Enter your member’s client identifier.

This is the number used by the fund to uniquely identify their member. It may be assigned by a provider to link all accounts the member holds within the fund.

When the member is a member of an SMSF, only one client member number should be provided for your member. This must be consistent in all reports you provide for that member.

For example, if a member has 2 retirement phase income stream accounts as at 1 July 2017, you must complete 2 reports with the same member client number.

If you don't have a member client identifier, leave this blank.

Section F – Third party details

Only complete this section if you have reported a child death benefit income stream or child reversionary income stream.

The details of the deceased are required to calculate the child's transfer balance cap the first time they start to receive a superannuation income stream. The details are not required if you have already started the income stream and you have rolled over the interest.

When the child has multiple events you must report each event on a separate report.

25 TFN

Complete this question with the deceased person's TFN. You don't not have to provide the deceased’s TFN to us; however, it will help us process the report quickly.

26 Name

Enter the deceased person's full name.

27 Date of birth

Enter the deceased person's date of birth.

Section G – Declarations

There are 2 declarations on this report – one for super providers and one for an agent or authorised officer. Complete the declaration that applies to you. Enter your full name, then sign and date the declaration.

Superannuation provider declaration

Complete this declaration if you are the provider shown in Question 8.

Agent or authorised officer declaration

Complete this declaration if you are the authorised representative of the provider shown in Question 6.
