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Did you miss your lodgment due date?

Contact us or speak to your tax professional now if your 2023 SAR has not been lodged.

Published 27 March 2024

If you missed your self-managed super fund (SMSF) annual return (SAR) lodgment due date of 28 February, it is important to get on top of things now.

Your SMSF is required to lodge by 28 February if you are preparing the SAR yourself or if you registered your SMSF during the 2023 income year and you have a tax professional.

If you haven't lodged your SAR and have not contacted us, then the compliance status of your SMSF will be changed on Super Fund Lookup. When your status is changed to 'regulation details removed', APRA funds will not be able to roll over member benefits and employers are recommended to not make employer contributions. This status will remain until your overdue lodgments are brought up to date.

If your fund does not have any assets, you need to either make a return not necessary request or cancel your fund’s registration if you no longer wish to have an SMSF.

We may also consider further compliance actions if your lodgments remain overdue.

Need help?

If you've not lodged and you're having difficulty preparing your return, contact us or talk to your registered tax professional about your options.

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