We have pre-filled your tax return with business-related payment summary information provided to us. If tax has been withheld from your business income, you should have received a payment summary. Check for the following payment summaries that are not pre-filled and ensure you add them:
- PAYG payment summary – business and personal services income where the payment type is:
- Voluntary agreement
- Labour-hire payment
- Other specified payments.
- PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted
- PAYG withholding payment summary – foreign residents
Payment summaries with no tax withheld
Business and personal services income payment summaries where no tax has been withheld are incorrectly being pre-filled at this section. If you have a pre-filled payment summary where no tax has been withheld you need to take the following steps.
- If the PSI rules apply to the income from the payment summary, select Net Personal services income to expand the section and enter the amount at Other – manually calculated
- If the PSI rules do not apply to the income from the payment summary, select either Net primary production or Net non-primary production to expand the section and enter the amount at Other business income – manually calculated
- Delete the pre-filled payment summary where no tax has been withheld from the Business payment summaries section.
Personal services income
Personal services income (PSI) is income that is mainly a reward for an individual’s personal efforts or skills.
To work out whether your income is personal services income you can use the Personal services income toolThis link opens in a new window or see Personal services income for more information.
Primary production and non-primary production income
You need to separate your business income into primary production income and non-primary production income. Primary production activities are described in Information for primary producers 2016.
Completing this section
Before you start completing this section, read Payment summaries with no tax withheld above.
You will need your:
- PAYG payment summary – business and personal services income
- PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted
- PAYG withholding payment summary – foreign residents
If you do not have all your payment summaries, contact your payer for a copy or comparable statement.
If you have a reminder at the Business and professional items section that you received payments for building and construction services and tax has been withheld, include these amounts in this section.
- For each payment summary that has not been pre-filled in your tax return, select Add and enter information into the corresponding fields.
- At Payment type, select one of the following:
- Voluntary agreement if you have a PAYG payment summary - business and personal services income where the payment type is Voluntary agreement
- Labour hire if you have a PAYG payment summary - business and personal services income where the payment type is Labour-hire payment
- Other specified payments if you have a PAYG payment summary - business and personal services income where the payment type is Other specified payments.
- No ABN quoted if you have a PAYG payment summary - withholding where ABN not quoted
- Foreign resident withholding if you have a PAYG withholding payment summary - foreign residents.
- Select the Income type and, where required, whether the income is Primary production or Non-primary production.
- Select Save.
If you have a PAYG payment summary - business and personal services income where the payment type is Personal services attributed income, enter the details in the Payment Summary section at Attributed personal services income. If you can't see it, go to the Personalise return screen and select the following:
- 'You received salary, wages or other income on a payment summary, or Australian Government payments'
- 'Attributed personal services income (on a payment summary)'
myTax will use the information in this section to complete income and tax withheld fields in either the Personal services income or Business income or losses sections.
Instructions on completing your individual tax return using myTax.