We have pre-filled your tax return with information provided to us. Check for any tax-free government pensions you received that are not pre-filled and ensure you add them.
See Tax-free government pensions or benefits that are taken into account in the income tests for a list of the relevant tax-free government pensions and benefits.
Income tax is not paid on certain tax-free government pensions or benefits, however, those pensions or benefits are taken into account when working out your adjusted taxable income. Your adjusted taxable income is an income test we use to work out your eligibility for certain tax offsets and the amount of those offsets.
Do not include any amount here that you have already shown in the Payment summaries section:
- Australian Government payment such as Newstart, Youth Allowance and Austudy
- Australian Government payment such as pensions and carer payments
- Super income stream
- Australian annuity payments.
Completing this section
Enter the total amount of tax-free pensions and benefits you received during 2015–16.
Note: Information shown in myTax may be updated based on pre-fill data. Before you lodge, you should review this information again to ensure it is correct.