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Our commitment to you

Our commitment to you when you use myTax to lodge your tax return.

Last updated 26 May 2016

We are committed to providing you with accurate, consistent and clear information to help you understand your rights and entitlements and meet your obligations.

If you follow our information in myTax and it is either misleading or incorrect and you make a mistake as a result, we must still apply the law correctly. If that means you owe us money, you must pay it but we will not charge you a penalty. Also, if you acted reasonably and in good faith we will not charge you interest.

If you make an honest mistake when following our information in myTax and you owe us money as a result, we will not charge you a penalty. However, you must pay the money owed, and we may also charge you interest. If correcting the mistake means we owe you money, we will pay it and pay you any interest you are entitled to.

If you feel that myTax does not fully cover your circumstances, or you are unsure how it applies to you, you can seek further help from us.
