If you were a sole trader or had business income or losses, or you received partnership or trust distributions, you will need to select 'You were a sole trader or had business income or losses, partnership or trust distributions (not from a managed fund)' and then select the items that are relevant to you.
If you are unsure which items apply to you, or to read more about these items, select from the links below.
- You had Business/Sole trader income or loss, then select either
- You received distributions from
You will be able to enter loss details relating to all of the above except trusts. Loss details section will be automatically displayed in the Business/sole trader, partnership and trust income (including loss details) section.
If you made farm management deposits or had repayments, you will also need to select this item.
If you select any of the above items (except Personal services income), the Small business income tax offset will automatically be displayed in the Offsets section that you can complete if you qualify for the offset.