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Were you an Australian resident for tax purposes?

Last updated 6 March 2023

Based on information from your last year's tax return, we have made the selection for you. If your circumstances are different for 2018–19, you may need to change your answer.

If you were an Australian resident for tax purposes from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019, select Yes. Otherwise, select No and enter only the dates when you were a resident.

Generally, we consider you to be an Australian resident for tax purposes if you:

  • have always lived in Australia or you have come to Australia and live here permanently
  • have been in Australia continuously for six months or more, and for most of that time you worked in the one job and lived at the same place
  • have been in Australia for more than six months during 2018–19, unless your usual home is overseas and you do not intend to live in Australia
  • go overseas temporarily and you do not set up a permanent home in another country, or
  • are an overseas student who has come to Australia to study and are enrolled in a course that is more than six months long.

If you need help in deciding whether or not you are an Australian resident for tax purposes, we have online tools to help you. For more information, see Work out your residency status for tax purposes.
