If you are being paid cash, you must declare the cash as income when you lodge your tax return.
We use a range of tools to identify and take action against people and businesses that may not be correctly meeting their obligations.
See also
Use the Personalise return screen to select items that are relevant to you.
If you receive cash for work you do as an employee, select:
- You received salary, wages or other income on an income statement/payment summary, Australian Government payments, or First home super saver (FHSS) scheme payment
- Salary, wages, allowances, tips, bonuses etc. (including lump sum A, B, D or E payments)
If you want to claim deductions for expenses incurred related to your cash income as an employee, select:
- You had deductions you want to claim
- Work-related expenses (including working from home claims) – You must have salary or wages income.
If you receive cash payments carrying on a business for goods or services, select:
- You were a sole trader or had business income or losses, partnership or trust distribution (not from a managed fund)
- Business/Sole trader income or loss
- Business income or loss.
- Business/Sole trader income or loss