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Capital gains tax schedule

Last updated 31 May 2020

You must complete the CGT schedule if your total current year capital gains or losses are more than $10,000. This includes if you received a distribution from a trust (including a managed fund) that has a net capital gain.

At the Net capital gains banner:

  1. Expand any relevant section, and enter information into the corresponding fields. The amounts you show under this banner must equal the amounts you have shown at Total current year capital gains, Net capital gain and Net capital loss carried forward to later income years.
    For more information, see:    

At the Other CGT information banner:

  1. Enter information into the corresponding fields if your capital gains are:    

At the Earnout arrangements banner:

  1. If you are a party to an earnout arrangement, enter information into the corresponding fields. For more information, see Earnout arrangements.
