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myTax Request an amendment for a refund of franking credit

Amend a refund of franking credits application when it can't be completed through ATO Online Services.

Last updated 16 June 2024

How to request an amendment

If you have forgotten to include some dividend information or made a mistake in the dividend information you provided on the form you lodged with us, it's important you request an amendment promptly.

There are two ways to request an amendment:

  • complete the Application for refund of franking credits for individuals form with the new information and write 'Amendment' at the top of the form
  • write a letter detailing the changes.  
    • Include all the relevant information including:  
      • your tax file number
      • your name
      • your address
      • a daytime phone number (if convenient)
      • the year of the application for refund of franking credits you want to amend
      • reason for amendment
      • amount of amendment.
    • Sign and date the letter and include the following declaration
      'I declare that all the information I have given in this letter is true and correct.'

Once you've completed the form or letter, submit your amendment by either:

  • fax
    1300 730 239
  • post
    Australian Taxation Office
    GPO Box 9845
    (insert the name and postcode of your nearest capital city)

If you claim too much franking credit, you might have to repay the extra amount with interest.

If your income has increased, check whether you need to lodge a tax return as a result of the increase. If you are unsure, see Do I need to lodge a tax return?
