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Claiming the ETR if you do not have to lodge a tax return

If you have determined that you are eligible to claim but you do not have to lodge a 2011 tax return.

Last updated 7 February 2019

If you have determined that you are eligible to claim but you do not have to lodge a 2011 tax return, you can claim the ETR by using Education tax refund claim and instructions.

You can lodge your completed ETR claim by:

If you are lodging both of the following items, you must send them to us together in one envelope:

If you did not claim the ETR when lodging your tax return

If you have lodged your tax return and:

  • were eligible to claim the ETR in that return but did not, or
  • were not eligible to claim the ETR because your claim for FTB Part A had not been approved, and are now eligible to claim the ETR because your claim for FTB Part A has been approved, you can do one of the following:        
